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>Download avast! versi 5.0.6 Antivirus Gratis

avast! Free Antivirus adalah antivirus gratis yang lengkap serta telah bersertifikat ICSA, avast! Versi gratis ini boleh digunakan untuk kepentingan non komersil, seperti untuk PC atau laptop personal. Avast! Akan secara otomatis mengupdate versi terbaru untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap serangan virus terbaru, setiap update tidak lebih dari 300kb, sehingga akan tetap meringankan beban PC. Avast! Tersedia dalam beberapa bahasa seperti : Inggris, Francis, Portugal, Jepang, dan Spanyol dan bahasa lainnya. Sebagai antivirus gratis, Avast sangat mumpuni melindungi PC anda dari serangan virus

Avast! Free Antivirus Mencakup komponen berikut di bawah ini
  • On Demand Scanner - with Skinnable Simple Interface - just select what do you want to scan in which way and press the Play button.
  • On Access Scanner - resident scanning of all files being opened, read and written and behavior blocker monitoring dangerous actions of viruses.
  • E-mail scanner easily integrates with most mail clients and it checks both incoming and outgoing mails, it provides heuristic analysis of mail content to protect against new Worms.
  • Network Shield - scans traffic for malicious content - lightweight Firewall.
  • Resident protection for IM programs (e.g. MSN Messenger, ICQ) and P2P programs (e.g. Kazaa, DirectConnect).
  • Boot Time Scanner - scans disks in the same way and in the same time as Windows CHKDSK does (on NT/2000/XP only).
  • Explorer Scanner - right click on the object allows you to scan it.
  • Screen Saver Scanner - scans PC during your coffee breaks.
  • Virus Chest - safety isolated folder to store infected, suspicious and even some system files - to restore them.

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